Line of study

To obtain a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the department the student must complete the study of 128 credits at least. Divided courses studied by the student to the compulsory courses and elective courses .

Compulsory Courses : It can not be replaced by any other decisions , nor can the student to graduate without her , which is about 97 credits are divided as follows :
1-Compulsory university courses ( 26 credits ) : These are decisions that should be studied by all students in all specialties .
2-Compulsory college courses ( 15 credits ): It is studied by all students in the Faculty of Science disciplines .
3-Mandatory requirements of section ( 48 credits ) : It is the department 's decisions can not be for the students section graduation without study and can not be replaced by other decisions .
4-Statistics and Computing ( 8 credits ) : It is the decisions of the Department of Statistics and Computer College must also be completed in order to graduate.

Elective Courses : These are courses that can replace it with another student decisions which is about 31 units of study are divided as follows :
1-College elective courses ( 9 credits ) : It is an optional decisions a student can be studied by the requirement to be within the college .
2-Free courses ( 6 credits ) : They are decisions of a student can be examined from any college at the university .
3-Decisions of the optional section ( 16 credits ) : These are courses that the student must be studied within the department and must be taught 16 credits at least of the following courses :

Course Code

Course Name

The Number of Study Units

Math 261

Analytic Geometry


Math 332

Topics in Applied Mathematics


Math 333

Financial Mathematics


Math 406

Topics in Partial Differential Equations


Math 414

Measure Theory


Math 423

Topics in Numerical Analysis


Math 444

Number Theory


Math  445

Topics in Algebra


Math 462

Engineering Euclidean and non-Euclidean


Math 471

Discrete Mathematics


Math 481

History of Mathematics


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Last Update
12/21/2013 7:30:51 PM