Form (6)
Course Description form
Course Title
English Code /No
ARABIC code/no.
Abstract Algebra II
ر. 343
Math. 342
Brief contents, to be posted in university site and documents(4-5 lines):
Direct product, and finitely generated abelian groups - Group action -Theory of p-groups, Sylow theorems and its applications - Ring ,Subrings, and factor rings, ring Homomorphism - Integral domain, Division rings, and fields - Polynomial rings, and irreducible polynomials rings - Unique Factorization domain - Fields theory and Quotient fields.
Faculties and departments requiring this course (if any): Faculty of Science/
Department of Mathematics.
Objectives: Prefer In points
- The student will improve his logical thinking and learn the techniques of the proof of theorems.
As a result he will be equipped with the methods of solved exercises
- It is expected that the students may apply the techniques learnt in this course to apply of the theorems of group theory.
Contents: Prefer In points
1- Direct product, and finitely generated abelian groups
2- Group action
3- Theory of p-groups, Sylow theorems and its applications
4- Ring ,Subrings, and factor rings, ring Homomorphism
5- Integral domain, Division rings, and fields
6- Polynomial rings, and irreducible polynomials rings
7- Unique Factorization domain
8- Fields theory and Quotient fields
Course Outcomes:
A- Knowledge:
(i) Description of the knowledge to be acquired:
The student will improve his logical thinking and learn the
techniques of the proof of theorems. As a result he will be
equipped with the methods of solved exercises.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge:
1- In class lecturing where the previous knowledge is linked
to the current and future topics.
2- It is expected that the students may apply the techniques
learnt in this course to apply of the theorems of group
3- Homework assignments.
(iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired
1- In class short MCQ quizzes.
2- Major and final exams.
B-Cognitive Skills:
(i) Cognitive skills to be developed
1. The student will improve his logical thinking and learn the
techniques of the proof of theorems. As a result he will be
equipped with methods of solved exercises.
2. It is expected that the students may apply the techniques
learn in this course to apply of the theorems of group
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these cognitive
1. Homework assignments.
2. Problem solving.
3. Case studies related to the course topics.
(iii) Methods of assessment of the cognitive skills
1. In class short MCQ quizzes.
2. Major and final exams.
3. Checking the problems solved in the homework
C- Interpersonal skills and responsibilities:
(i) Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry
responsibility to be developed
1. Work independently and as part of a team.
2. Mange resources, time and other members of the group.
3. Communicate results of work to others.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills and
1. Writing group reports.
2. Solving problems in groups.
(iii) Methods of assessment of student's interpersonal skills and
capacity to carry responsibility
1. Grading homework assignments.
D- Analysis and communication:
(i) Description of the skills to be developed in this domain.
1. Use computational tools.
2. Report writing.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills.
1. Report writing.
2. Incorporating the use and utilization of computer in course
(iii) Methods of assessment of students numerical and
communication skills.
Test questions require interpretation of simple statistical
information. Assessments of students assignment and
project work include expectation of adequate of numerical
and communication skills. Five percent of marks allocated for
standard of presentation using ICT.
Assessment methods for the above elements: Discussions, Homework,
Periodic tests and final test
Text book:
Title: A first course in abstract algebra
Author: J.B. Fraleigh
Publisher: 7th Ed Addison – Wesley
Supplementary references:
Title: Introduction to modern algebra
Author: N. McCoy
Publisher: Boston Ally and Bacon 1962.
Time table for distributing Theoretical course contents
Direct product (External direct product and Internal direct product)
Finitely generated abelian groups
Group action
Theory p-groups
Sylow theorems
Applications of Sylow theorems and simple groups, first quizzes
Rings ,Subrings, and ideals, and examples
Factor rings, ring homomorphism, isomorphism between rings
Integral domain, Division rings, Fields
Polynomial rings, and applications on polynomial rings
Irreducible polynomials and some examples on Irreducible polynomials
Polynomial Eisenstein criterion, and second quizzes
Quotient of polynomial rings, and its examples
Unique Factorization Domain, Euclidian domain, and examples
Finite some concepts about finite field, quotient field
Final exam.